Frequently Asked Questions
You have questions? We have answers. See some of our FAQs below. If the below Q/A's do not answer your question, feel free to give us call 1-877-424-6274.
I always see the term “Qualified player”, what exactly is a qualified player and what does it mean?
Casino's use a player rating and tracking system to determine the "theoretical worth" of a customer. While playing at the tables or the slot machines, be sure to always use your rating card to capture all gaming activity. Based on your play (average bet, time played, etc.) the computer will generate your "comp dollars". Depending on the type of comp and the expense involved determines whether or not you are a "qualified player" for that product.
How do I receive comps?
As mentioned above, it’s very important to use your rating card each and every time you play. Also, anyone you are traveling with should use his or her card. You might say, my spouse doesn’t play much they are not rated. If you play $100 or $1000, all of your play is important to generate comp dollars.
If I frequent Casino “A”, can I receive “comps” at Casino “B”?
Many times comps upfront require previous play at that specific casino. However, it’s not out of the question to receive comps before playing, based on your history, the casino rules and requirements and a qualified reputable executive booking your reservation this can be done. If the comps cannot be established prior to play activity, remember to get rated and at the end of your stay, we will see if any charges can be picked up by the casino based on your play.
I hear the term Theoretical Win, what is it?
Based on your average bet or “coin-in”, the house advantage on the table game or slot machine, and the amount of time you play, the computer calculates a formula of what the casino could theoretically win by you. This is a standard procedure for calculating a casino patrons “worth”.
Do I have to be a “high roller” to use Gaimari Gaming Group’s services?
No. As always, complimentaries are based on play qualifications. We offer the same top-notch service to all of our customers.